Reflex the Sole Muscles

The Clinic aims to treat the hormone imbalance that starts to develop as we get older. My main focus was on men of 50 and over but I started seeing younger and younger men coming to my practice with clinically low testosterone level due to our lifestyle. Once I started supplementing their test we started seeing a phenomenal increase in their productivity, increase in their concentration and performance, they were feeling healthy and all my patients reported that their libidos and sexual function had improved.
Dr. Mark Opperman
Below we have one of the many testimonies we receive from our clients who have gone through our Testosterone Replacement treatment. There is no time to wait for treatment if you feel a tremendous low energy level within your body.
I would like to provide you with some feedback and progress since you have started assisting me with me problems.
As instructed I have been taking 1 Proviron per day to try lower my estrogen levels and in addition to this take 1ml of Masteron and 1ml of Test depotrone twice weekly to try to elevate my testosterone levels.
I have found that my emotional mood has stabilized a lot, I am not as emotional as I use to be a couple of weeks ago. The additional tummy injection you provided me with seem to have a fair effect to make me feel human, male and aware of desires which I have not felt for a while – so even if this is just psychological a not assisting in my physical failure, this helps a lot to make me feel like the man I am supposed to be.
I have not as yet had the courage to attempt intercourse without the Menshealth injections as I guess I would like more evidence of my body wanting to perform this act on its own without injections as it should. I do however find that when using the Menshealth injection in addition to your tummy injection, my intercourse time has doubled and seems to at least make the Menshealth injection effective whereas previously it sometimes did nothing for me.
I am excited about some of the changes thus far, after years of no doctor, specialist or any other person not being able to help me and hope that you will help me to reach my goal to have a normal functioning sexual system.
Thank you for actually wanting to help me as its bad enough to have a personal issue like this with a doctor that could not be bothered how many times one gets laid or not. lol But you seem to understand that this is far more complex than just wanting to perform sexually and seem to make an effort to understand, evaluate and treat and monitor my problem as a whole very well. Thank you for this.
Kind regards,